Audience Survey Research

ANALYSIS OF QUESTIONAIRE QUESTION 1 From the graph it is clear to see that our target audience is mainly female with only a couple males who would be interested in our film. This is highly beneficial as the clear female demographic can relate to the main characters as they are also females. QUESTION 2 This graph tells me that the age demographic of our target audience are mainly teenagers between the ages of 17-19. Therefore enabling me to the believe that it is mostly young people who are currently watching films or will see our film. Though some are above 20 or between the ages of 14 -16 the majority of people are based in the middle of those two age brackets. Thus informing me that our characters should probably be of the same age bracket or have personalities that make them relatable to our target audience. QUESTION 3  From this question it is clear to see that our target audience only watch films sometimes, this may because of their education system which doesn't allow for much free time. Few people clicked on often and a lot of people stated rarely. This gives me mixed ideas as to who will be viewing our final film product. It also tells me that the trailer we are making has to be intriguing enough to draw people in to watch the film, especially those who said rarely and sometimes. QUESTION 4 From these responses I can see that people usually learn about new films through different platforms on social media. Social media was the clicked on the highest which tells me that my group and I should find ways to advertise our movie through social media - maybe put a hashtag and website at the end of our trailer and the bottom of our posters. The second highest way to find out about new films was through tv trailers, it would be hard to do this which is why I figured it is better to leave the advertisement with social media. QUESTION 5 These responses tell me that people are very interested in comedy and action films. Though this isn't the basis of the trailer I'm making, action can come into it which would please audiences. Horror was the 3rd most voted and this could be linked well to psychological thrillers, so elements of horror could be added in order to draw our audience. Our target audience is clearly into a range if different films which is very good as it shows what we can pull from different genres that we could possibly add into ours if it works in favour of our trailer. QUESTION 6 Despite most people not being into thriller movies, majority of people have heard or watched psychological thriller films. The most notable one here was Gone Girl a famous film for its stellar cast and the plot of the film. The 2nd known film within the target audience was Black Swan. By combining elements of both films, I can see how our target audience would want to see our film. The movies people have responded with tell me that they want a very dark aura within the film and a plot twist which is very unexpected. QUESTION 7 This question was asking why people enjoyed the psychological thriller that they put down. Most answers were on the basis of it making them think and the films being gripping. Also because you couldn't guess how the storyline would end which made them very focused on continuing to the end of the film. This tells me that my trailer needs to make people think and it needs to make people wonder what is actually going on which will lead them into watching the film. QUESTION 8 I asked people what they expected to see in psychological thrillers and majority of people replied with plot twists and an unexpected ending. They wanted to be confused and be filled with mystery, for suspense to be throughout the film and it to be a bit fast paced in order to get audiences feelings a sense of adrenaline rush. This tells me that our trailer is going very well as we have a plot twist for our film and also the way we edit our trailer should allow for audiences to be confused. QUESTION 9 The colours people associated with Psychological Thrillers were extremely similar, mainly dark colours such as black and grey and red. However, there were different colours such as a green and orange which tells me that want something very visual with our trailer and shots with visuals that will capture their eyes. Suggesting to me that our trailer shouldn't just be plot heavy but should include visuals that may shock people and make them be shocked or amazed. QUESTION 10 Music can be very hard to link with Psychological Thriller but the majority of responses were about how the music should be dark and tense. Some people even mentioned other scores such as the violin from Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock. People responded more with instruments than styles of music such as violins, bass, piano and drums. This informs me that the music needed in my trailer should have a build up and should be made of hand played instruments in a way that creates a sense of darkness, tension and seriousness.


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