Film Group Treatment

Group Members: Alisha, Chantelle, Chidera Chosen Genre: Psychological Thriller Title of Film: Confined Basic Plot synopsis: Two seemingly normal people are ‘kidnapped’ in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. They're held in a single room with no recollection of who took them and no knowledge as to why they are there. The only thing they have is each other. Days past and they start to realise what a room really does to the mind. Although this is what the protagonist believed, the protagonist is in fact in a mental Institution but has convinced themselves that they have in fact been kidnapped. To cope with this ‘kidnapping’ they created another person in there head that keeps them company in this room and to help them escape from this confined space. What type of characters will be in the film?: Main Protagonist - Female They are a 20-25 years old They work at an office job and has a history of mental illness in their family Is known for having random outbursts and attacking people for no reason (the reason they were put into a mental institution) They are very quiet and keeps to themselves a lot of the time [possibly has social anxiety?] Other main protagonist - Male Between 20-25 years old They work as a lawyer (or some other job that you need to have confidence to do) They are very outspoken, confident and sociable but still quite mysterious - doesn’t give much away [Foil character] What conventions of the genre will be included in your trailer?: Flashbacks are a convention of psychological thrillers as they can be used to disorientate/confuse the audience Claustrophobic spaces as this can be a very good device for focusing on the psychological aspect Shadows and low-key lighting Montage editing Claustrophobic shots Contrapuntal sounds The use of black and white Quick edits and changes in camera angles Music that creates tension - eerie or even silence Where will your trailer be set and other aspects of mise-en-scene?: Main set would be an empty/almost empty room Small contained room, not very spacious. enclosed space, creates an element of tension and worry for the audience that the characters won't be able to leave It will have mirrors to reflect a person's inner self. Walls should be white to contrast a hidden darkness within the characters Another room e.g. an office needs to be in use as a headquarters hearsay perhaps to show that some people are watching the ‘individuals’ trapped in the confined room Through montage editing the individual's life before being kidnapped can be shown, perhaps illustrating the successful lifestyle they had prior to the kidnapping. The individual can be shown in business attire walking in a industrial area such as Canary Wharf.


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